This $99 Drone Is This Year's Hottest Gift. We Review It Here:
WINNER: Best New Technology Advance -- 2025!
Skyhawk 4K is fantastic. It has a superior build quality, it’s easy to fly, and taking photos and videos from high up is not just cool – it’s exhilarating! Buy it with confidence as a gift, and hey, get one for yourself too.
Until now, Drones came in two flavors – cheap garbage, and real expensive.
But we’ve found and tested a high-quality drone that defies its “less than $100” price. It’s the lightweight, easy to use Skyhawk 4K, and it’s officially gone viral as one of the “must have” gifts of this year. We’re not surprised, because we fell in love with it too.
What Makes Skyhawk 4K So Special?
When we first opened the package, we knew right away this was a serious drone. The construction is solid, and the fit and finish are exceptional. The compact drone feels good in your hands, and you just know it’s going to stay the course even in breezy conditions (cheap drones veer off course in even the slightest breeze - but not Skyhawk 4K)
The controller feels really good as well. It’s comfortable to hold, the screen is crystal clear, and feels more like a quality piece of tech equipment than a toy. But it’s also effortless to use – if you can use a videogame controller, you can use Skyhawk 4K’s controller.
But Does It Fly?
Indeed it does. And then some!
We were shocked at how easy it was to fly Skyhawk 4K. Really, in thirty seconds, we were in the air and controlling it without crashing – we’ve never flown an easier drone, to be honest.
It also has automatic flight assistance. You can even do tricks like loops and spins, and pull off perfect landings, right out of the box! Check out this video:
Skyhawk 4K Top Rated Features:
✅ Increased Flight Time - Drone has improved battery life and it’s the fastest drone of its category at a speed of up to 12 metres per second with a top transmission range of 2 km.
✅ Panorama Mode - Capture 360 degree photos from the air with just one click of a button.
✅ Anti-Collision System - Built-in sensors prevent collisions with the ground & other obstacles.
✅ Stabilized Camera - The drone will remain stable in the air, regardless of the weather.
✅ Minimalist and Practical Design - The smart lightweight construction folds together for extra portability.
✅ High-Quality Photos - The images look incredibly sharp on this drone.
✅ 3 Handling Speeds - With their help, drone handling is very simple.
It is a revolutionary, super small foldable drone that was developed by engineers with a passion for high-quality photos. Designed to meet everyone’s needs, Skyhawk 4K’s intuitive controls, exceptional stability when flying, wide lens and 4K camera deliver the results you’d never expect from such a low-priced device! Skyhawk 4K comes with an app that allows you to control it via your smartphone and supports live streaming, too.
How About Pictures and Video?
Photography is often associated with expensive and fancy equipment. Many of us wanted at some point in our lives to get involved with photography. However we were discouraged because of all these four-figure prices for just a lens.
Even big companies have persuaded us that buying an expensive camera is the only way to take good photos. But this is not at all true. We found the secret for impressive photos and it costs less than 100$.
No more bad-quality selfies. No more over-the-top expensive cameras. No more heavy equipment.
Skyhawk 4K is equipped with an ultra-wide HD camera that has a built-in 3-Axis Gimbal Stabilizer. This means you can take super sharp images and stunning 4K video, even in wind. You’ll see the world from a perspective you’ve never seen before (imagine what your Facebook and Instagram will look like!)
Why is this drone so necessary?
It is foldable and weighs just 85g, making it a portable device. The also has a feature that many similar products lack; automated takeoff and landing. Once you press the auto-power button, the drone will take off and land automatically. And you don’t have to worry about it colliding with obstacles because it comes with a gravity sensor that prevents such collisions.
With this drone, you will have the ability to steer, as well as monitor what’s going on up there. The drone can perform spectacular 360-degree loops by a simple click on a button on the remote control. With a frame-per-second rate of 120, you can turn the videos taken by the drone into slow-motion videos while still maintaining quality.
How Much Does It Cost?
With similar (less efficient) devices going for $1500+ you would expect the Skyhawk 4K to be at least this...
But what if I told you that the Skyhawk 4K retails for $149.00, this is way below your expectations right!
HOWEVER, do you know what's better than paying the already good full $149.00 price?
Their 56% promotional discount, where you can order yours for just $69.00!
Click here to claim a discounted Skyhawk 4K (if it's still available) >> [LINK]
How Can It Be So Affordable?
Did you know big brands spend BILLIONS on advertising, physical stores, and boss bonuses? Can you guess who's paying for that? Yep, us the customers...
The Skyhawk 4K spends nothing on any of this. They only sell online, don't advertise on TV and don't have greedy owners who demand ridiculous bonuses.
They prefer to let their devices and positive reviews do the talking for them!
Conclusion: Is it worth it?
100% Yes. The Skyhawk 4K is the best way to enjoy your favorite activities outdoors and even indoors.
The time to buy the Skyhawk 4K is now before this discount runs out. It's already selling like crazy you'll quickly see why thousands of Americans have ordered theirs already!
The icing on the cake is the price. If it's still on promotion for under $200 - definitely, pick up before they go.
In case you couldn't guess, I LOVED it! You won't find a better drone for a better price.
How to get a Skyhawk 4K...
Order now to lock in this exclusive price for our readers, straight from the manufacturer.
Ever since this story was featured, it has skyrocketed in popularity and sold over 1.5 million units.
And with so many people wanting one, the company is now offering an exclusive 60% off discount with free shipping to all new customers, plus a 90-day guarantee.*
Get your Skyhawk 4K from their Skyhawk 4K official website here.
The Skyhawk 4K comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee, so there’s no risk for you! If you act now, you can secure a 60% discount available for today only.
As of * – Ever since the Skyhawk 4K was on major international media, an incredible amount of buzz has been generated. Due to its popularity and positive reviews, the company is so confident in their product that they are now offering a one-time, first time buyer 60% discount.